Scar Laser Treatment /Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery Can Remove Ugly Scars

Cosmetic surgery for Scar Removal is now popular for those who want their old and stubborn scar be erased on their skin. Surgery could get rid scars much faster but expensive.

Although they are a part of your body’s natural healing process, ugly scars left by a wound that has healed can mark your appearance and lower your confidence in social situations.

Although they cannot be removed 100 percent, they can be greatly reduced to a point where they are barely visible, depending on the scar. One technique used for scar removal is the injection of steroids into the affected area. For scars on the face, a technique known as dermabrasion is used that removes the surface layers of the skin using a specialized tool.

Another common technique used by cosmetic surgeons is to cut out the scar tissue and sew up the wound with small stitches to allow it to heal properly. With extreme care and new techniques to promote optimal recovery, the new scar formed will be much less visible than the first. Another technique used is to reposition or move the scar to a location where it will be hidden, such as in a natural fold of the skin.

Some surgeons use methods like skin grafting or flapping to reduce the visibility of the scar. The disadvantage with this technique is that the color and texture of the graft may not exactly match that of the host skin so it may not look as you want it to or may have to use makeup to blend it in with the surrounding skin.

Application of Laser Treatment for Scars

Nowadays, Laser treatment for scar methods can decrease the appearance of numerous kinds of scars, such as:
  • Keloid Scarring – extends beyond the immediate wound area and are raised, reddish and purple and hard and can build up in time
  • Hypertrophic Scarring – pink, raised and hard scars that stay within the immediate wound area and could disappear in time.
  • Atrophic Scarring – pin-like and depressed pockets of the skin than can cause skin diseases just like acne.
  • But not everybody is eligible for laser treatment for scars. Individuals with cystic acne, dermatitis and psoriasis are not eligible candidates. People who are taking medication for acne like isotretinoin should stop using it for 6 months before the date of treatment. Lasers can significantly improve the look of an acne scar. During a Laser treatment for scars procedure, the laser is hovered over the scar. This vaporizes or gets rid of the outer level of the skin and exposes a new and natural look of that layer of skins which heal in time and reduce scar manifestation. Laser Treatment for Scars is performed under general anesthesia either in the hospital and outpatient surgical center or in a Dr.’s office. And, the procedure could usually take around several minutes to about 1.5 hours. Kinds of Lasers that are used in Laser Treatment for Scars
  • CO2 and Er:YAG – sandblast skin which results in considerable downtime because CO2 is ablative; Er:YAG is also ablative but is less harmful; good for acne.
  • Fractionated CO2 and Er:YAG – this laser works by treating fractions of the surface of the skin creating small wounds deep in the skins layer, these wounds are surrounded by skin that are untreated and help treat the treated part through a controlled process.
  • 585-595-nm pulse-dye laser – treats hypertrophic and keloid scarring, they flatten scars; these are non-ablative lasers because don’t burn skin, but target tissue that are underneath the skin to stimulate collagen development.
  • Aftercare After a Laser Treatment for Scars procedure, it is advisable to bathe the treated area lightly with soap, pat to dry, apply ointment and bandage. Your specialist will also prescribe antibiotics to avoid infection. Medicated cream makes scar become lighter. A cold cover is also suggested. You are also advised to take oral medicine to take care of throbbing and uneasiness. Notify immediately your doctor if the discomfort is intolerable. Skin rejuvenation process occurs after four days following the procedure. Recovery though depends on which type of laser was used, skin quality and how you followed the doctor’s advice. You may also resume normal tasks right after a Laser Treatment for Scars procedure. And, your specialist will schedule a return appointment to evaluate the treated spot after 6 to 8 weeks following the procedure. Risk and Complications of Laser Treatment for Scars Irritation through sun contact such as hyper and hypo pigmentation and allergic responses are both common but can be treated with cream or ointment or antibiotics. Cost The cost for Laser Treatment for Scars is based according to Doctors fee, hospital or surgery center fee and the anesthesia fee. However, only surgeons can estimate the actual cost therefore it is advised that you consult a physician first. These procedures are also cosmetic in nature and are therefore not covered by insurance.